
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Spinach, Shiitake, and Gruyere Crepes

PointsPlus Cookbook, page 44

This is a very PointsPlus-heavy recipe for me. I usually try to keep my meals around 8 PointsPlus or less. But, you know, I've got this resolution and I'm going to end up making it anyway. Might as well get it out of the way early!

Spinach, Shiitake, and Gruyere Crepes

I accidentally bought half of the mushrooms needed. Oops!
Remove the stems and slice the mushrooms.
Cook onion and mushrooms until tender. Then set aside.
Add spinach in batches.
Cook until wilted.
Strain excess liquid.
Combine onion, mushroom, spinach, sour cream, balsamic vinegar, and nutmeg.
Add filling to a crepe and roll.
I chose to fold in the sides so the filling wouldn't ooze out.
After cooking for a short time, add the gruyere on top and bake until warm.
Spinach, Shiitake, and Gruyere Crepes

If made to recipe and split into 4 servings, this recipe is 11 PointsPlus. There's not a whole lot of wiggle room to reduce the PointsPlus value, either. You could reduce the serving size (from 2 crepes to 1), reduce the filling amount so that you can get 5 servings, replace the sour cream with greek yogurt, and reduce or remove the gruyere. But really, who wants less cheese?!

These turned out really good. If you reduce the suggested filling amount, you can easily make 5 servings out of this recipe. I found that the gruyere added a lot of flavor and next time I'd mix it in with the filling so it evens the flavors out per bite. I would make this again, but would definitely try to cut the PointsPlus value down.

If you've read the actual recipe, you'll notice that I left out one big step. I didn't make the crepes myself. I've seen enough of Food TV to know that this isn't something I want to attempt. Store bought works just fine as a substitution, though it may affect PointsPlus value.


Use pre-made crepes
Next time I want to mix the gruyere in with the filling

(may affect PointsPlus value):
Use pre-made crepes
Next time I'll probably use greek yogurt instead of sour cream


I only used half of the mushrooms needed, I forgot to check the package weight at the store. Bummer.

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