

Contact me if you have any additional questions.

Why did you make this blog?
The short story is that I had a New Year's Resolution to cook every recipe in the Weight Watchers PointsPlus and Power Foods cookbooks. My meeting thought it'd be a neat idea to blog it, so I am! The longer explanation can be found on my first blog post.

Do you ever alter the recipes?
Yes, all the time! For the blog, however, I wanted to cook as close to recipe as possible so you knew what to expect. Then I offer ways on how I would change it. I'd love to hear your ideas in the comments!

How do you decide which recipes to cook each week?
I really just pick what strikes my fancy at that time. Sometimes my boyfriend picks a few of them out.

How many recipes do you cook each week?
I try to pick five recipes to last through the week. One should be breakfast, one should be lunch, and three+ should be dinners (including side dishes).

Why don't you post the recipes?
I can't post the recipes due to copyright. You can pick up either of these books in your local Weight Watchers center.

Are you affiliated with Weight Watchers?
I am a Weight Watchers member, but I do not work for them.

Are you on Facebook?
Yes I am.

What about Google Plus?
I'm there, too!

Not yet, but soon. :)