
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Southwest Turkey Burgers

Power Foods Cookbook, page 137

This is another one of my boyfriend's picks. With two guys in the house, burgers are always welcome here. 

I forgot to buy bread crumbs, so I used Panko.
Put everything in a bowl and mix it up.
I like to refrigerate it for a while to sort of marinade the meat.
Form into patties.
Cook on a skillet. Or grill. Whatever.
Flip and cook the other side.
Garnish with your favorite condiments.

If made to recipe and split into 4 servings, this recipe is 7 PointsPlus. I don't see too much wiggle room to reduce the PointsPlus value on these: you could split the patties into 5 servings and find the lightest whole wheat hamburger buns (or sandwich thins) that you can find. You can also substitute a low fat ground beef for minimum PointsPlus change.

I apparently had some kind of mental block when shopping for this recipe. I totally forgot to add ground turkey, buns, bread crumbs, jalapeno, and salsa to my shopping list. A second trip to the store helped, but it still wasn't everything. Working with what I had, this was still a hit in the house and we'll definitely be making it again! 
That lovely side dish you see is Citrusy Carrot Salad with Green Olives.



(may affect PointsPlus value):
Panko instead of bread crumbs



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